Be One Step Ahead!

Each application in the Alladin Tresures empowers businesses by taking away time-consuming and profit-draining processes – making you one step ahead in the market.



Application Development Outsourcing

Custom made software development work based on mature software development life cycle process. Availability of Bridge Engineering Services for Japan based clients. Expertise in Java, PHP, C#, .Net, MySQL, Android and iOS.

System and Application Documentation Services

Comprehensive source code analysis for undocumented software applications. Provides documentations in English and Japanese.

Application Management Services

Continuous Features enhancement, performance improvement, and over-all system maintenance and quality assurance. System security assessment, monitoring, and assurance.

UX Design Services

High quality UX design Offers design templates for ease of UI implementation and maintenance. Includes design services for web pages, Mobile Applications and IT documents/manuals.

BPO Services

Wide range of business support services designed to enhance efficiency and over-all service delivery performance. Includes services such as network performance monitoring, technical support, production support and documentation services.

Quality Assurance and Test Process Outsourcing

Offers high-end process oriented Quality Assurance (QA) services for third party applications. Test plan development and implementation, thorough testing procedures and documentation of results.

About Us

Alladin Treasures is a global IT services and solutions company.

Alladin Treasures was founded in 2017 and has grown into one of the largest and most respected independent software development outsourcing companies. 

With Alladin Treasures, you’ll find the perfect balance of onshore and offshore services. We employ strong local talent to keep your business operational, yet use the most advanced technology with our partners abroad to help power your success. 

Alladin Treasures is an IT Services company that offers a full range of software development and consulting services, including UI/UX Design, Development using various proprietary and open source technologies. 

Alladin Treasures is a complete IT Services company with capabilities in designing, developing, and implementing projects using a wide array of technologies.


In the pursuit of our goal to continue being a globally competitive software development and solutions company, we continue to improve our knowledge and abilities needed to accomplish computer-related complexities and other tasks relating to technology.

Workplace Productivity

Rethink workplace productivity and explore ways to ensure sustained productivity levels of your teams so you can focus on achieving business goals.


Redefine digital experience for your company or your customers while maximizing the benefits of cloud computing.


Revamp business process to fully integrate operations and gain insights for sustained profitablity.

Professional Services

Realign your priorities and let the experts manage your IT requirements and be assured of a hassle-free technical and after sales support.

Technical Skill Sets


Application Server

Strong Adherence to Quality

Development Language

Quality Assurance & Deployment


Projects Completed


Happy Customers


Skilled Experts


Active Projects